Dog Teeth

Dog Teeth

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Ready or Not.....

That is the question.  Am I ready to see my first patient?  i don't feel ready at all.  I don't feel competent with the "skill" set that I have "mastered" over the last few weeks.  Heck, three months ago, I didn't even know where the oral cavity was!  (Just joking, Mrs. McGregor)  But seriously, I don't think three months of instruction is enough for me to go poking around in nice old ladies' mouths with hardly an inkling of what I'm doing.  And for that matter, if it was known when we were to have our first patient, I feel that we should have gotten more time with Axiom so we don't all look like bumbling idiots when our patient is wondering why it has taken three hours for a cleaning and we haven't even scaled yet.  Basically what I'm saying is that I need more practice, more time, more help and MORE CONFIDENCE. 

I guess it's like EC said, "Sink or swim."


  1. I'm a LOT nervous about axium, too. But, hopefully having 2 of us together will help us to get thru. As far as working on patients, don't worry so probably know more than you think you do. Maybe 3 months isn't a long time, but we won't learn how to remove calculus until we actually find some. So, have confidence because that is what will make you successful! Good luck tomorrow!

  2. Lol! We survived the first,second,third and so on patients! And the semester is almost over!!! One more thing to celebrate! Then we can move on to next semester, when we get to see patients all by ourselves. That is what I am excited about :D
