Dog Teeth

Dog Teeth

Monday, April 18, 2011

What Is Easiest Isn't Always Right

For our ethics interview and paper we chose to ask questions about commisions and quotas in the dental workplace.  Our interviewee was a wonderful RDH who exhibits the morals and values I hope to also display in my own role as a professional.  I know I said this several times in my presentation, but she is truly an advocate for the patient.  If the situation came down to helping herself (by meeting a quota) or helping her patient, she would always choose to help the patient.  As a lot of my classmates stated of their interviewees when presenting, they would rather leave a practice than practice unethically.  Our RDH said the same thing.  She had in the past worked for a DDS that had questionable work practices and in the end, she quit to work somewhere that held the same values as she.   After hearing the other presentations of ethics interviews, I am glad to know that most of the professionals out there actually ARE very ethical.
   I didn't realize that a lot of offices motivate their staff by setting quotas for them to meet.  I feel like that would do a great disservice to their patients.  The whole reason to go into this profession is to help others, not oneself.  I think now that I know this, when I begin my job search, I will look for an office that doesn't require quotas from their employees. 
  After interviewing our RDH, we thought of other questions that we could have asked that might have been more of an ethical dilemma.  I guess we will save those ideas for next year.

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