Dog Teeth

Dog Teeth

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mirmelstein Ethics Lecture

I just finished attending the Mirmelstein Ethics Lecture and I think it was very thought provoking.  I admit I didn't get to hear the first half of the lecture due to my inability to tell time, but I enjoyed the scenarios with the question and answer session on ethics in dentistry.  It made me think about the lines between what is right and wrong and where to stop and start.  When the female behind me explained about how the group of dentists in a particular area disagreed with one dentist's ethical practice and were all sending him letters to tell him this, I thought, "if they all tell him they think he is wrong, negative reinforcement will make him stop.  If he doesn't stop, they could get the media involved so the general public would see that the majority of the profession disagrees with him.  But then, that could be publicity that is bad enough to make his practice suffer and he could go out of business for his belief.  Well, what if he moved to a new town to practice?  But he would still be doing what others feel isn't right."  This just led me to a slew of other ethical dilemmas but I guess the whole idea behind ethics is that sometimes there is no solid right or wrong answer, only an answer one perceives as being right.  Right?

Patently Absurd

This is a product that received a U.S. patent in 1982.  It's like a chastity belt, but for your mouth!