Dog Teeth

Dog Teeth

Monday, January 31, 2011

Strange Car from a Dentophile

Rally Day At The Capital

I heard about Rally Day briefly at the beginning of the semester and didn't think much of it until a few days before hand when we got an email about dressing professionally to spend the day at the capital.  What was this all about?  I had no idea.  After asking around, I got the impression that we were going to the capital to talk to representatives about "issues."  This was not much help since I was unaware of any "issues."  Overall, the experience was a good learning one and it was nice to see the government in action but I do have a few polite suggestions for next years' Rally Day.  First, I think we should have a bit more elucidation on what exactly we are to be doing.  I like to know what I'm supposed to be doing and I was definitely lost as to the process and procedures that day.  And second, if we are supposed to be talking about the "issues," we need to know what the issues are before we get to the capital.  We got a short overview when we were all there and seated for the briefing but until that time, I had no clue as to any bills up for submission.  Perhaps we could get a web address for the issues we intend to speak on so we can bulk up on our information and not sound ignorant of issues happening in our future profession.  I think that giving us all a little bit of a heads-up on what we need to be talking about will allay any uneasiness we may have and make talking to people we don't know a little easier.  All in all, it was enlightening and I will definitely be prepared for next year. 

Feel-Good Friday

I got a really great compliment on Friday and I feel that if it's true, I will be a great Hygienist.  At the end of his appointment, my patient, who was there for his third appointment with me, told me that he was happy he could come and be my patient because I had a very calming personality.  It made my day to hear him say that.  To know that even though I am freaking out and exploding with fear on the inside, I can appear calm and collected enough towards my patient that he was also calm the whole time.  If I can make my patients feel comfortable with me, which I think is one of a patient's big fears, then I will be able to do my job well.